Thankyou for your interest in participating in my first book called "The shit "they" don't tell you from bump to baby!"
This book is intended to enlightening parents on some of the things that new & expecting parents aren't really told about during pregnancy, labor and parenting. First, its important to understand that the world "they" is very important. Clients often tell me the phrase "they told me..." or "they say..." and I always ask them who is "they" as the source of information is very important and often biased by that source. There are so many things that we aren't aware of until we are pregnant, in labor or parenting and this book will be a humorous, informative read that will talk about some of the things not talked about.
Heres an example...
"They" didn't't tell me that I may poop on the bed during the pushing phase in childbirth.
Yes, this did happen to me. I didn't quite understand the proper way to push and this with my first baby I pooped on the bed.
First of all, even if you do poop on the bed, the staff is incredible at discreetly cleaning it up and my husband was pretty cool about it since I was attempting to push out at 7 lb 15 oz baby from my vagina!
However, if you would like to prepare for this there are lots of things you can do. You can seek help from a midwife, a perinatal support worker, doula or even a "prepare to push expert".
This is an example of how you can write your submission.
This book is intended to enlightening parents on some of the things that new & expecting parents aren't really told about during pregnancy, labor and parenting. First, its important to understand that the world "they" is very important. Clients often tell me the phrase "they told me..." or "they say..." and I always ask them who is "they" as the source of information is very important and often biased by that source. There are so many things that we aren't aware of until we are pregnant, in labor or parenting and this book will be a humorous, informative read that will talk about some of the things not talked about.
Heres an example...
"They" didn't't tell me that I may poop on the bed during the pushing phase in childbirth.
Yes, this did happen to me. I didn't quite understand the proper way to push and this with my first baby I pooped on the bed.
First of all, even if you do poop on the bed, the staff is incredible at discreetly cleaning it up and my husband was pretty cool about it since I was attempting to push out at 7 lb 15 oz baby from my vagina!
However, if you would like to prepare for this there are lots of things you can do. You can seek help from a midwife, a perinatal support worker, doula or even a "prepare to push expert".
This is an example of how you can write your submission.