Thank goodness she's cute right!!!.. lets start at the beginning.. It all did seem to easy. Right from the get go this little miss ate and slept. 2 hrs like it was her JOB. Woke once, MAYBE 2x a night and nurturing was a piece of cake. I distinctly remember saying to Dan, "This kid is a star" ... I probably jinxed myself. Around 4 weeks of age the naps started changing. It became much harder to put her down but I knew that it was going to happen and thought it would end soon. Her room was dark, her swaddle was on and her feeds were before sleep... I had everything in place so it wouldn't last long.... I thought.. Her nights were still great, the odd time it was taking her longer to get back to sleep and those nights really did kill me, but we survived. She was in our room so there was no escaping the cries and fusses, I heard it all and it did just seem easier to lay with her or rock her to sleep... and I did.. Against everything I knew to be right and wrong... but it didn't help!
5 weeks old and naps were not any better but we were out so much that I didn't notice. At 6 weeks we went to a cottage.. Co incidentally Debbie was in italy. BAM like a tonne of bricks it hit me. The girl was on 4 naps a day and she could NOT transition. EVERY NAP FOR A WHOLE WEEK, 45 minutes. .. ..I had to stop and shake my head.. What was going on? There was lots of nurturing to be had. I had a chat with a friend to go over my checklist and realized I was forgetting my reset/emergency naps. It's so different when you are the trainee and not the trainer! My frustration was truly setting in.. "why couldn't she do it.. What was I doing wrong???" We brought her home and it still continued.. 7 weeks came and went.. no change. i was lucky if i got 3 good naps that whole week. at 8 weeks there was no change for naps but i had a night that my older daughter was out of the house for the night and i put Giulia in her own room... we all went to bed at 10 and i woke up at 6am in a full out panic.. she had not woken up... i walked into her room quietly and holding my breath ... she was still sleeping!! slept through till 7am till i woke her up and kissed her like a crazy person.. i did think it was a fluke but then night after night it continued.She was officially sleeping 10 hrs overnight by the end of 8 weeks old (NOTE: these are not typical results although they can happen it took a lot of hard work for us both).. naps never got better though... they were the same or worse and i was about ready to lose my mind, 9 weeks came and went (Bre... i was starting to think that your little William would find his perfect match). Naps were HORRIFIC!!! Many calls have/had been made to Debbie... many texts to my PERSON for advice.. And guess what.. IM DOING NOTHING WRONG... I cried when she yelled (she's never had tears and always ALWAYS calms when I walk into her room). Ive altered her schedule and she's now sleeping 8pm-7am (again.. NOT THE NORM for majority of babies).. This week we have seen a glimmer of hope.. She's been napping 2 hrs in the swing.. So we will keep that up for a bit to help her catch up on sleep and go back to he crib. Its been tough. I have officially had one of each baby. My son I was clueless on everything. I called Debbie as a client as he slept 45 minutes and barely slept overnight. By Implementing the babeez program as a client he ACED everything and was a dream sleeper for nights and naps from 4.5 mos on to today at 4.5 years. My daughter, 21 mos later, I was a trainer and implemented the nurturing program with her for the first time. That little one napped like a champ... so much so that we often said "do we even have another baby?" ... her struggle was always the overnight and it took her till just over 5-6 mos till nights became consistent.. (i even blogged on it) Even right now at 3 years old she's been testing me nightly waking up and crying for NO REASON at all. She's sharing a room with her brother and it's driving me bonkers. But theres nothing wrong. And now my last baby is an overnight SUPERSTAR!! Naps are her Achilles heel... and its torturous to me. Im learning so much and in one way it's giving me the tools I need to help others. Its hard. Im not going to lie.. I have caught myself many times thinking .. "thats it, I'm done, I'm throwing in the towel" and then I stop and think... "what am I going to throw it in to? Really... what else would I do?" In a few moments of personal insanity I considered just laying with her.. I didn't want to nurture anymore... and then I had to stop and think.. I have 2 other kids that need me. Thats not even a remote possibility and what would either of us truly gain. So I push forward... I watch for ANY positive I can find and you bet I jump for joy and share with anyone I can. Even if its just one good nap i'll take it!! The glimpse of hope is there... I know she's going to get it.. i know she's on her way and this is shaping her up to understand whats expected of her and knowing that daddy or i will always come and see her to be sure she's ok.. we love her to pieces.. and i truly believe that THAT is why she isn't truly crying and more shouting in frustration... What I'm proud of most.. Is that we have worked her schedule into our life. We keep going. And maybe thats a bit of the reason why she's a bit behind on naps but its how life has to be.. We have been to the zoo, a cottage, farms, playdates, safaris, wonderland, birthdays, restaurants, meetings , etc. We have a trip planned for a conference in sept so she will also have a time change and a 4 Hr flight. And I'm not scared of it!! I'm not scared to do anything because I know that together we are moving forward. It may be slow for naps and fast for night but she's still getting there. She's 11 weeks old on Monday (I think.. Maybe 12.. I forget to be honest) and she has a smile that melts my heart. I cherish every snuggle and every smile.. She's happy, she's chubby & she's loved beyond words, she's a bit stubborn but she's perfect... even if she's the antinapper from outer space ... she's my antinapper and my gosh do I LOVE HER!!!!
..... Well, this post is long overdue... sorry.. I've been sleeping!! Not even sure where to start. So i'll start with labour.. Man o Man was I impatient... yet this little nugget was waiting for her due date.. The short and sweet version of it is that everything went perfect.. At home.. With my aunt, my amazing photographer and midwives.. Funny.. We went to bed talking about vasectomy's.. Yup.. Thats booked!! My husband was saying how he would be nervous and he didn't know what to expect but he knew it would hurt.. I gave him a look, a kiss and went to bed. BAM!! A few hours later the pain was on me like a tonne of bricks. I had been 2-5 cm dilated for a week and a half. By the time the midwife came I was 8 cm dilated at 4am..... As I was labouring and DH was sitting and watching.... I gave him an ever so loving WIFEY look of "hows this for pain!!!" the room was in hysterics... all but him of course!!! It was still a long road and she was finally born at 10:21am .. AMAZING.. My husband actually got to deliver her. It was an experience that he couldn't even describe. Our little baby who we were told would never be was in my arms... and life as we knew it was complete. Introducing Giulia... and a bit of our birth experience... So whats it like with 3???Well.. let me tell you.. so far its really not much more work then with 2. my kids ages are 4.5 and JUST turned 3. THEY ARE BUSY!!!! I need to keep them occupied and Giulia has just been coming along for the ride. She eats when she's Suppose to. Sleeps as well as she can on the go. Detests the carseat and her siblings love her to PIECES!! We were out getting groceries at 5 days old, at a party at a week old and at african lion safari at 2 weeks old. Life hasn't paused for a second.. My recovery time was almost instant and I'm very fortunate for that. Giulia nursed great from the get go and was gaining steadily. (wait till you see her now at 11 weeks old).. Sleep... now that is another post... Wait till you hear about THAT!!!!
![]() What a surprise.. I'm PREGNANT!!! I'm a planner.. and this baby was not planned. I was starting to get comfortable with the idea of just 2.... My million dollar family. We were not 100% certain yet but just pushed it aside and would talk about it in a bit. Both my husband and I happy with that. In september i went to a conference with my husband .. KIDLESS. Amazing fun. We then took our kids to Florida the week later. It was our year of travel. I had noted my period was late but didn't think much about it. A trip to the dollar store for some colouring books and i thought "oh... i should grab some tests... always great to have on hand". I came home.. ready to take a shower and thought... "ah, what the heck" i took the test DEAD SET it was negative. After my shower i checked.. 2 lines... puzzled and convinced that meant negative i grabbed the box.. OMG!!! i cannot begin to tell you the influx of thoughts that went through my head and quite honestly most of them were "I'm not ready for this... i can barely cope with 2 little busy bodies". I yelled for my husband to come upstair (and leave the kids downstairs) He comes up casually.. walking into the bathroom and me standing there, deer in the headlights look on my face holding this 2 lined test. He asks "is this a joke?" of course my reaction "does this look like a joke?? do i look like I'm joking?" (note.. the first sentence i put.. IM A PLANNER and this was not the PLAN). i honestly hit him a few times in shock "what happened, weren't we careful?" Panic set in and the tears began to flow. It took me a good 3 days of digesting this news. This was just before thanksgiving. In the end .. we were of course happy. Just a HUGE shock!! Everything was going to be ok.. it was going to be great!. We told no one and had full plans on keeping it that way for a while. A few days after thanksgiving i had a horrible throat infection. So bad that it had me in tears. Unable to swallow but no diagnosis. It was not strep but i had a HUGE lump right under my chin. If you know me at all you know that being a paramedic i avoid the emerge like the plague when I'm not at work.... so much in fact that i have my kids at home and out of the hospital. The pain was so severe that i went on my own to the hospital. I was admitted (after a few hours) to critical care and was told that I most likely had Epiglottis. They offered me iv antibiotics that they said were safe but prior to that they had offered me 2 types of meds that were in fact NOT safe in pregnancy. Having some medical background at least helped me catch all this but still had me in complete worry of taking anything. I knew i had to make a choice to trust that these antibiotics were ok and that if i didn't take them i had the risk of completely losing my airway and causing massive complications to my life. (note... i had 2 clients i was helping at this time i was in the hospital - thanks to debbie for helping me when i couldn't answer). I left the hospital with meds and complete worry. I checked in with my doc a few days later and expressed my worry about my baby. I was only 6-7 weeks along. He said there was no harm in an ultrasound and gave me a requisition. It was a huge sigh of relief. I booked that ASAP and went on my own. The tech did her testing and showed me the "sac" but did explain that i was very early along and i most likely would need to come back. I left happy enough that things were forming as they should. The next day I got a call from my doc to come in and review the results. Fairly typical for him to do. I went to the appointment with my daughter. He informed me that the findings were not good. I had a blighted ovum or anembryonic gestational pregnancy. In laments terms (which i had no clue at the time) the pregnancy takes. The sperm and egg fertilize and implant but the chromosomes never align and a baby is never actually formed. Most people wouldn't know this and would miscarry around 10 weeks thinking they miscarried a baby but it may have just been the sac. He assured me it was nothing i did. Nothing i took and that this happened at conception. I opted to take my results and discuss my options with my midwife. I was a disaster. All of a sudden something i was not prepared for and not sure i even wanted at the time was being torn away from me. Ive been fortunate. Ive had 2 pregnancies and 2 perfect at home labours resulting in 2 perfect kids. This was foreign to me and I always felt heartbroken for parents who lost or couldn't conceive. All of a sudden i was realizing that I was going to lose a baby and fully understand that heartache. I was devastated and confused.My husband also was heartbroken. We hugged, we cried and we said we were going to be ok. We had 2 beautiful kids and this didn't mean that we could never have more in the future. I went to my midwife who explained the process and gave me options of how to speed up the miscarriage or how to proceed to let it happen on its own. Knowing I'm a low intervention kind of person i opted to give myself 3 weeks to let things happen. Through all this i was told i would have ALL signs of normal pregnancy. Which for me is nausea, vomiting, more vomiting and MORE vomiting. Every time i threw up (which was multiple times a day) i cried thinking that all this was for nothing. There was no baby. i was throwing up for nothing. I dealt as best as i could for 2 weeks. By week 3 i was hitting a point that depression and daily crying (all day) was getting to be too much. Even seeing my healthy kids wasn't working. I kept focusing on the loss. I decided that i couldn't do it anymore. I needed to move forward. So at 10 weeks I was going to book my D&C. I went to see my doc who suggested another ultrasound to confirm and then i could book something with my midwives. The day before my ultrasound was the worst day i think i have had in my life. I was alone at night, Both kids in bed sleeping and i was laying in bed completely a mess. Tears weren't even enough. It was a flood of emotions. How is it that something that i was so mad about happening in the first place be something now that i was devastated to lose. I was understanding now what people have to deal with over and over again. But this was only one time. ONE TIME for me. I was crying out of sympathy. To parents who have lost..... my utmost respect and sympathy to you. What a horrible feeling.. i know i am truly blessed. In all of this.... i continued my trainings. I cancelled no one and continued to help as hard as it was. Trainings with my clients was not about me. It was about you and your family. The next day, i hugged my husband and the kids and i went on my own to the ultrasound clinic. I walked in and told the tech that i knew it was a blighted ovum and just wanted confirmation. I was already crying. She started moving the wand around and not talking.... after a few minutes i couldn't take the silence "did you find it? The sac?' Her response "Yes...i found it... But i also found your baby. You are 10 weeks pregnant.. look... theres the heartbeat" Imagine my reaction. I couldn't even look i was trembling and the tears of disbelief. When i was able to see again i looked at the screen. There it was. a little bean and a little perfect heartbeat. She finished her tests as i just played there and cried. I cried all the way home and when i got in the door my husband ran to me and just hugged me. "ok" he said "lets call the midwife" .... "NO!!... we can't do that.... we are having a baby" The look on his face was complete confusion. i had to explain everything to him and all we could do was cry together. A miracle. A second chance. I wanted this baby more then anything. Something in the beginning i took for granted and didn't understand how quickly it could swap around... my goodness what a hard lesson to learn!.. What a blessing.. I know I'm one of the lucky ones. I had mourned a loss of a baby that i didn't fully lose. I want to send my hugs and my utmost respect to the parents who did not have the outcome i had and who actually had to go through the miscarry process in its entirety. My respect to you. I can only say i had a smidgen of a taste of what that would be and it was overly painful. Today my baby is healthy and 21 weeks old. Im due June 15th, and i am savouring every moment (even all the vomiting- I didn't complain once after knowing). Im taking time to stop and feel every kick and every movement because something is different this time. We are so excited (and scared) to be a family of 5 where we, as adults are outnumbered by kids, but i wouldn't trade it for anything... and hey.. at least sleep is the least of my concerns lol. Thank you so much for taking time to read this. (sorry about the lack of caps on the "i's" I'm soooo bad at that.. i just type as I would speak my story. Sometimes too fast to correct my I's ![]() We got through the terrible 2’s. They were just that!! Of course with some amazing moments but WOW! Then came the Terrifying 3’s… and yes.. they terrified me. I tried to embrace every moment but something in me just felt like there was something wrong. My son has always been a hyper and fidgety kid. Long ago I looked up symptoms of ADHD and he did not fit the bill so I dismissed it. I knew that anything chocolate was a no no as I could watch him bounce off the walls within minutes. These are things I noted and things that I tried to limit all while chalking it up to him being a normal 3 year old kid. Aren’t they all wild and crazy???? (yes we all know of the exception of the kid that sits and reads for hours!!!) A few months ago it hit an all time high. I had gone away on a trip in may and when i came home my son was an animal. Not a cute loveable animal, but a wild animal. My parents (who live around the corner) were always the ones I could count on for help (or a break). But my mom had enough and said to me “Sabrina, he’s too much. I can’t watch him. Its too hard”. I knew what she meant. My son was getting to the point that you couldn’t talk to him. We couldn’t reason with him. I had to ask for help. My mother in law was the only one who could tame him. All it felt like i was doing was yelling time and time again. "Son, can you please pick up your toys and take them out of the kitchen so mommy doesn’t fall?” NO!! followed by running away wildly and laughing. Ask again and he throws something. Ask again a bit more firm now as he runs into his sister. By the 4th time my patience is gone and the yelling begins. I hate that I’m a yeller… but I am. I can blame the Italian/Portuguese in me but still I don’t like it and that's no excuse. This became and ordeal. Every 15 minutes to an hour. over and over and over. We couldn’t go to the grocery store and I didn’t want to leave the house. Even a walk around the block was causing me stress. (note i have 2 kids my son is 3.5 and my daughter just turned 2). I kept leaning on the hope that school was coming up and he was just a busy kid. ALWAYS needing stimulation and to be around other kids all the time. OR that i was a horrible mom and he couldn’t stand me. (Yes, i cried believing this was true many times). I spoke to my close friends who assured me it was all going to be ok. I held onto that hope but seeing myself spiral into a feeling of pure failure. One afternoon we went to the doctor as i needed a follow up for an injury i had to my shoulder from my job in EMS. I brought my son along with me. As a treat we stopped at Tim Horton's and got him 2 birthday cake timbits. He was so happy and listening because he got his treat. As soon as we got into the office he was back at it. Bouncing off the walls, touching everything, not sitting still, yelling. I was so embarrassed. My Doctor looked at me clearly stressed out. I broke down and told him. “I can’t keep up. I'm yelling all the time and he deserves better then that. I don’t want him looking back at me one day and only remember me yelling. I know you said there's nothing I can do to help him and its just an age thing. But my nerves are shot my anxiety is through the roof. So please, medicate me! I need something for my nerves” my doctor (whom I highly respect) looked at me and asked “what was the last thing he ate?” I told him “2 timbits and pasta at lunch. He won’t eat vegetables” Just like that he recommended that i cut his carbs. Cut them out. Take out his milk and if i had to give him a carb to give him gluten free. He wrote me a script for my anxiety INCASE i needed it and asked for a follow up in 2 weeks. I felt a hope. Something all of a sudden clicked. I went to work the next day and my husband took over. He did just that and cut anything that had sugars. No milk for breakfast. Unsweetened almond milk instead with a dash of chocolate almond milk and eggs. Chicken for lunch with cucumber (which my son previously hated but they were on his plate and he needed to try them) fruit for desert. Dinner was steak and a sweet potato (again, not a Fan) but sprinkled with some cinnamon he ate them. All day my husband said there was something different. I came home but noticed nothing. About 3 days later we spent the whole day together and when I went to kiss him good night he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me so tight. He looked me right in the face and asked me “Mommy, are you proud of me?” (insert heart tug here) of course I replied “Yes buddy, I am. I had a great day with you today” He said “ Daddy told me the sugars turn my listening ears off”. I looked at him straight on and apologized for yelling and that mommy, daddy and his sister are not eating any sugars either so that our listening ears stay on too. Mommy and daddy want to throw their yelling voice away”. It was a moment i realized there was going to be a huge huge change for us. Something was already happening. In all of this I had contacted a natural path as I did want another opinion. Especially incase I was missing out on something from a nutrition standpoint for him. She was amazed that the doctor said to cut his carbs and said that its rare that a family doctor will pinpoint that. Most go straight for drug therapy for the child (which i never would have entertained). She agreed with his suggestions and explained to me that now a days sugars are so micro refined that they are processed so fast and into the bloodstream. Little bodies and brains cannot keep up with how much sugar we consume in a day. Its hidden everywhere. The gut is known as the second brain. She actually suggested that we cut ALL grains and dairy totally and put my son on a paleo diet. The amount of information i took in in that 45 minutes caused a huge stressful brain overload. Definitely needed time to digest it all but somewhat relieved that there really was more to what was happening in my sons behavior. I had a huge meltdown in the car. Paleo is a huge huge commitment and after some thought it just was too much for me to take on. I knew I could commit to gluten free, low dairy and low carb but I felt that Paleo was too big of a jump. So I made a commitment. We purchased a few supplements i.e. Methylcobalamin (b12), probiotics, digestive enzymes and a daily vitamin formulated by the natural path for hyper kids and kids who have ADHD. We threw everything out that we couldn’t eat and put our game faces on. Now I have to tell you. Things felt like a dream. My son was night and day. In literally a week the change was unexplainable. He had his moments but they were just that. A moment. My mom got back from a trip and I asked her to watch my kids for an hour while I ran out. I told her about the plan we chose as a family and what she could give my kids. She threw out all the cookies right there with the kids. 45 minutes after I left my phone rang. It was my mom “Sabrina, I don’t know what you have done but he’s a different child.” all I could really say was “I know!” my heart was bursting. My aunt watched him a few days later and followed my guidelines as well she also commented on what a change she saw in him. One day we went to a children’s birthday party at a play place. Our first real outing that I didn’t think about meal planning ahead. When we got there I realized that there really was only pizza and cupcakes. (Sorry Sylvia!!.. they were delicious and look, you became part of my story!!) What was I to do? The kid was hungry. He played hard for the first hour but when I asked him to come sit down, he did. There was no argument he just came and took his place. I gave him a piece of pizza and a vanilla cupcake with most of the icing taken off against his request. He ran off to play again. When I went to look for him he was DRENCHED in sweat. He was playing no harder then he was before he ate. He was running around yelling and was pitch red. People were commenting on how sweaty he was. Of course now it was time to go and it literally felt like Jekyll and Hyde. Kicking. Screaming. Taking off in other directions. Not listening. Running off through the parking lot. It was that moment I realized 100% that this was a long term change for us. We are now about 2 months on our new eating plan. It takes some preparation, meal planning on the go and creativity for sure. But the changes we are seeing as a family are incredible. My anxiety is gone (no meds were needed). His attentiveness has changed and the personality that he is expressing is priceless. Its what keeps me committed. He’s changed. I don’t even know how to explain it because it makes my heart burst. We went up north on a family trip and he was running through the village like a little kid would. He had a moment where I had to ask him a few times not to do something. The last time I asked him i got down to his level and told him calmly that “mommy doesn't want to get upset. i asked you not to run into your sister so please listen with your ears” He looked at me straight in the eyes and gave me a kiss on the lips. “I love you mom. I’ll turn my listening ears on”. I cried on the spot. I can tell within 10 minutes if something he ate doesn’t sit well with him and if the sugar content in it is higher then he can handle. We can pinpoint it. He starts to sweat and there's no reasoning with him. Its kind of scary really because sometimes its something you wouldn’t even imagine i.e. a soy based ice cream from Kelly’s bake shop (note i called and it is sweetened with cane sugar) but it effects him more then coconut milk ice cream. We are trying to keep things as normal as we can. He is starting to turn down foods or ask if he can have them. I'm not sure he understands but we do point out when his “listening ears" are working or not. I’ve been told that they really can’t test for ADHD properly till the age of 6. My son did have a few mild symptoms. Honest.. don’t bother googling them. They are so common for most kids at ages under 4 so it will just freak you out for no reason. Its been an amazing change and I’m so proud of all of us. Some people do not understand why we are “treating him different”. I really don’t care that much because they aren’t his parents. We are and this is what is working for our family. We do everything out of love for our kids. They transform our lives and we can help shape theirs. A link to some info sent to me after we made this choice that is really amazing. Food is our fuel. Shop on the outside of the grocery store and not in the middle. Keep your baby up a lot in the day so that they sleep more at night. FALSE - sleep feeds sleep. A baby who doesn't sleep lives on adrenaline and that makes it harder to achieve sleep.
Bring you child to the park to tire them out and they will have a great long nap!! Though sometimes TRUE this is FALSE- a baby who cannot successfully self soothe will have not much use for all that spent energy after a 20-45 min power nap. Your baby isn’t sleeping through the night because you are breastfeeding FALSE - A breastfed baby can sleep through the night the same time a formula fed baby can. If mom is confident in the supply and baby is gaining then this isn’t an issue. Start feeding your baby solids, formula or cereal in the bottle and they will sleep though the night. FALSE -Sleeping the night and self soothing is a learned skill. something that must be learned independently kind of like learning to walk. Once your child slept through the night they will never wake at night again FALSE - your child may wake many times overnight in their lifetime. As adults we wake up too but learn to get back to sleep. As babies its the same. there is no need to introduce food at any of these times as your child's body is in hibernation overnight. By feeding it something other then water you are basically going to have to start from scratch. The Babeez Dream Team can help TRUE!!! Debbie Fazio has created an incredible program with various support levels where they can provide help and get you on the right track in terms of you sleep goals. Fast or slow we o have a program for you email [email protected] for info By Sabrina Crimeli Bring on the heat!!! After a long cold summer leaving most indoors it's time to open the windows and get outside. We are going from cold weather warnings to extreme heat warnings. So now is the time to educate ourselves on how to help keep our
babies feeling cool while being outside. Because many babies can't tell their parents or caregivers that they're thirsty, they can become dangerously dehydrated in hot weather, which also can lead to hyperthermia. So, it's extremely important to be alert to the following warning signs of dehydration in babies: • Dry mouth or tongue • Few tears when crying • Few wet diapers (less than six a day) • Dark yellow or smelly urine • Sunken "soft spots," eyes or cheeks • Mottled, grayish, skin that's cool to the touch. • High fever • Listlessness If you think your baby is dehydrated, please go see your doctor immediately and try to get him or her to drink an electrolyte replacement solution (such as Pedialyte) or water (depending on age). Because dehydration causes babies' core temperature to rise rapidly, it puts them at increased risk for heat exhaustion and heat stroke. The best way to keep babies safe in the summer heat is to prevent them from becoming overheated and dehydrated in the first place. Here are great tips. 1. on the go we highly recommend a uv cover to cover your stroller. Babeez recommends the snooze shade that doubles as a black out shade for strollers as well as it provides ideal uv protection. Keeping baby and stroller in a shaded area under a tree is optimum. There are tools such as stroller fans and stroller liners to keep baby cool if you will be out for extended periods of time. Spritzing baby with a water bottle or wetting a washcloth to wipe over their body is also a great alternative. If your baby must go outdoors, dress him or her in light-weight, light-colored clothes. A hat, sunglasses and sunscreen (if the baby is over 6 months of age) are a must. They also help protect a baby from dangerous sun rays. Babies are very susceptible to sunburn and when children become sunburned, their sweat glands don't function as well. And sunburns in babies put them at increased risk for skin cancer, even in childhood. 2. Keep your baby indoors in an air-conditioned room during heat waves. The number one protection against heat-related illness and death is air conditioning. If your home isn't air conditioned, find some place that is, such as a shopping mall, public library or a heat-relief shelter. Fans can help a bit, but when the temperature soars into the 90s, fans cannot prevent heat exhaustion and stroke. The best range for baby is 18-22 degrees indoors. 3. keep your baby hydrated. If nursing, be sure you are offering your full nurses and top up nurses as needed and note the 2.4 oz of water is ok to give in a 24 hrs period as long as its not in replacement of food. If your child is on solids Watermelon and high water content fruits are great. ice pops can not only help with teething but can help keep baby cool and hydrated. Have fun with your little ones, Enjoy and be safe! By Sabrina Crimeli ![]() The soother!!!!! I can't tell you how many times I've had moms tell me the following-my baby keeps spitting their soother out. They don't like it. Or-I've bought every soother on the market. He hates them!! I was lucky (IMO) that both my kids took their soother. But they weren't born and instantly took their soother and kept it in their mouth. I actually had to teach them how to keep it in their mouth. It's a skill. Just like riding a bike or tying their shoes. So what happened. When my babies were born. I first started by nursing. As often as I could and then eventually on a schedule. At that time I didn't offer a soother. After about a week (because my milk came in) i knew that I would only offer a soother AFTER a good nurse so that's what I did. I nursed well. And if my babies were asleep. I swaddled them up and put them down. But if they were still wanting to suck I would place a soother in their mouth. My soothers of choice were avent. Once they started to suck I would slowly and gently pull the soother out of their mouth. And watch and teach them to keep sucking on the soother a bit but not compleatly. This taught them to suck on it to keep it in their mouth. Of course sometimes it would fall out. In fact in the beginning it was a lot. But I took the time to teach them. Yes babies are born to suck. But just like us in becoming new parents. It's all a new skill. And with new skills practice is needed. It took about 2 mos of practice but you know what, they got it!!! Now here's the thing. Going out and buying a million different kinds of soothers isn't going to help. Because every time you switch to a new soother you have to start all over again. You need to teach them a new shape. A different way to form their tongue to hold onto their soother. So pick one. And be patient. It may not work or you may not want to give a soother at all. Some babies are ok with that. But some babies are just big suckers!!! So watch for those signs. If your baby has a good feed and still wants to suck. They may need a soother. If your baby eats and is content. Then maybe they don't. It's inevitable that your child may wake and cry. But that's when sleep nurturing comes into place before 16 weeks, or sleep training after 16 weeks. At this time we can give them a chance to soothe themselves without a soother. Of course if you do have to go to your child offer them the soother. Once they are older you can limit the amount of times you offer it and we do suggest that. A soother does help soothe but it's not the only thing we want them to know. We do want to teach self soothing as well Once your child is old enough to grasp with their hands. Instead of putting the soother in your child's mouth for them. Put the soother in their hand and put their hand to their mouth. Try to do this every time that you offer the soother. You Will teach them this way. Once they can do this you can throw a few soothers in the crib. At this time you would want breathable bumpers as well. it will keep all of them from falling to the floor. Thank me later. I swear at one point we had 6 in the crib. But they found them all themselves and we never got out of bed. at the age of one the soothers never left the crib. All of them stayed there and self soothing during awake time became a Must. In public or at home. There was no easy pop a soother in. When we got up in the morning or after a nap I taught them to leave the soother in the crib. The other question I hear is. When do I take the soother away. That's very much your choice. If you have chosen to sleep train with us. You would pick a time you are comfortable with and teach it away. By that time your child is already sleeping the night and most likely putting the soother in their mouth on their own. We started getting rid of them as they got older and before they were 2 we removed/will remove them all. Yes. Some training may occur. But they understand that their crib means sleep and they will catch on faster then you think. Have confidence in them and commit. Once you remove it. You should be sure that it's gone throw them out. With my son. He started biting through them so it became a hazard and I had him throw them out. One by one as he bit through them. One day. He bit through his last one. No choice left. It had to be done. Nights were fine. Nap took 2 days to lengthen. Then it was like nothing happened So in the end. Know that like anything. Give it time. If it's something you want to offer then work with your child to teach them how. The same applies with bottles. I'll touch on that in the next newsletter. Take care and sleep well. Sabrina Crimeli ![]() A year... can you believe it!!!.. my lil baby is a year!! Sorry for the lack of blogs.. I got caught up in the "parenting life" and the blogs fell behind. So, what does my baby turning a year mean? It means that its time to return to work. To get my butt back out on the streets of Hamilton and provide patient care. I do enjoy my "job," I enjoyed it more before I found my true calling of being a mom. The thought of returning to work was daunting. I tried to find any way I could to get out of it. Obviously, I didn't win the lottery so my lunch is packed and my Uniform is out and ready. I have really been in denial. I refused to believe that my DD was turning a year old. I knew that 2 days after her birthday id have to leave her and my son. This time, I knew I would be returning to work for a longer haul. Back to 12 hour days and 12 hour nights 2 to 5 shifts per week. When I returned to work after having my son I was only there 2 weeks before finding out I was pregnant. So mat leave was in my line of sight again and another year off with him. ![]() But something changed this time around. Parenting wasn't as stressful. I was more relaxed. I enjoyed every minute from start to finish. The bond I have with my daughter is so different. She pulls at my heart just a lil bit more. My son is mr independent. Does great in any scenario (or so I thought). He is use to daycare and thrives there. I wasn't ready to send my daughter to daycare yet (though I'm sure she would love to go). Im fortunate to have my mom available to watch her. I've been back to work for 2 weeks, and it is so hard. My first 2 shifts on the road I thought I was doing great. Of course I talked about my kids to anyone that would listen and showed off pics any chance I could. And then it happened. Shift 2, hour 11 of 12. I got a phone call from my mom. "Sabrina, Im sorry to call you but HE has never been like this. Gabe (my son) wont stop crying for him mommy". I can hear him in the background and my heart breaks. The tears start flowing and I'm a mess. My (male) partner (with no children) looks at me like I'm a fool. I promise my lil guy i'll be home as soon as I can , hang up and try to compose myself. I did good. 2 days before I even shed a tear. Not bad — I accepted it as part of a process. AND THEN IT HAPPENS!!... The dreaded call that will put me into overtime and cause me to not get home until after bedtime. After a few choice words, I pick myself up and I try to convince myself I'm doing the best I can and he knows I will do my best to get home. I made it home just after bedtime but my mom kept them up for me. The excitement in both of there faces to see me melted my heart. The hugs were what I needed. My son loves to see me in uniform. "mommy, you the ambulance. Weee whooo weeeee whooo," "Yes, buddy I am" My daughter just smiles at me and thats all it takes. Integrating back into the daily work atmosphere is tough, but for most of us, a requirement. Our hearts stay at home with our kids. There are somethings that I missed and have enjoyed. Adult conversation - WOW... a change from the norm. It's not all baby talk but talk about everything and sharing stories. I have to say though, My ability to talk to my kids have come in handy lol. Though haven't put any of my patients in time out there are many patients that need to be spoken to like kids. I know that I'm working FOR them. I have to give it my 100% while away from them at work but on my days off. Its 110% focus on them. They have my full attention and we have fun. Planning outings and park/play dates. Its gonna take me a bit to get use to this new working mommy role. But I'm confident i'll figure it out. I'm gonna ace it!!! If you are reading this and about to return to work. It's ok to have a cry. Its normal to have a cry. Embrace it as part of a process. It doesn't make you weak. It makes you a parent. A DAMN GOOD PARENT!!!!! "Being a trainer and a paramedic, helping people every day, that brings me so much joy.... But this right here... these people... ![]() You know when people tell you NOT to compare babies and you tell yourself you wont.... BUT YOU DO!!... If i did, I should be really worried for various reasons. This is a photo of my son at my daughters age now.. He was almost 9 mos old.. he was going down slides on his own at the park and i was catching him at the bottom, he was crawling (at 7 mos), had 4 teeth (by 7 mos), was signing for milk (at 8 mos), , pulling himself to standing (by 8 mos), saying MaMa and DaDa... CRAZY!!... then theres my daughter.. WAY WAY behind in one way.. but could eat my son under the table!!! (even now she eats more or the same as him.. Hes 2.5 i remind u.. shes 9 mos old) I did a lot more i find with my son. I did signing and play groups. As much as i want to do all those things with my daughter i find myself overwhelmed with finding a balance. My son is high energy and though my DIVA daughter is pretty low key, When she is in a mood.. LOOK OUT!! Playdates are our out when my son is a daycare and its our one on one time together. i cherish it.. I use to do nighly massages with my son.. and i could, there was only one baby needing a bedtime. i find myself missing doing that with my daughter even though i want to. The other day i pulled out his baby calendar because i was curious when i dropped his 3rd nap... it was at 8 mos... my daughter is almost 9 mos and we have just dropped it (see next blog). Then i started looking through it more.. WOW.. thank gosh i didnt do that sooner... I couldn't believe what he was doing in comparison. My daughter can sit up.. my son never sat.. he crawled, thats it. My DD is almost 9 mos old. No teeth, no crawling barely babbling, just screaming, no pulling herself up and still taking 3 naps a day. At first i was worried then i realized... FANTASTIC.. she gets to stay a baby even longer then he did. Then in one week.. BAM!! dropped a nap.. started to crawl.. got 2 teeth, and pulling herself to her knees... COME ON!.. i thought too soon. She read my mind!!!! I watch both of my kids daily and they are amazing. i totally can understand that its hard to see another baby eating, sleeping, walking, talking, rolling, etc faster then your own baby... but just as we do thing at our own pace so do they.. and lets face it.. dont we want them to stay little as long as possible.. im dreading my return to work and having to leave them more often. they are my world. I'll take every slow moment as it comes... because they are happening way too fast.. my calendar got flooded with milestones in one week... so did my face.... full of tears!! My babies are growing up.... at their own pace and with our guidance... AND THEY ARE AMAZING!!! ![]() Please share things you compared about your kids, or if you compared them to other kids and what you felt. ![]() The BURST.. for those of you who don't know what that is. Its and unexplained "burst" of random wakes for no rhyme or reason. Can be both naps and/or overnight.. its annoying and it makes you wonder "WHY OH WHY is my child waking?". You go through your head and run through everything to see if you have missed anything. Majority of the time you haven't, so your child really shouldn't be waking... but they are. Well rest assured that even we have burst in our home. We aren't immune to them and i can tell you, they do suck. Teething can be a major cause of bursts. Once you have offered pain relief there really isnt much else you can do but to train through them. What not to do. A BURST is a really big test.. its kind of a make or break. At these times its when you teach your baby how things are going to be. If i abandoned my training and went in to pick DD up then i have failed my own test and she has tricked me.. the burst will turn into a habit. She just learned how to get what she wants. A few weeks ago we were having some pretty tough naps.. DD is almost 9 mos and we were on the cusp of dropping to 2 naps a day. Im not one to want to move through my schedules fast as i really don't like change. I want set that she really needed the change and i felt she was testing me. She started this "burst" on a monday and woke early from her 1st nap, again from her 2nd but took her 3nrd fine. The next day she cried over an hour for her 2nd nap with my DH. He's normally pretty good with training her but he ended up ending her nap leaving me with a cranky tired baby. The next day she tried it with me... She didn't win. Even though my DH kept trying to tell me i was fighting a losing battle (a battle of wits i call it). Here's the thing... yes she could have been teething.. so i offered meds. IT STILL SUCKED! i was at my computer typing away trying to distract myself from running up there immediately and picking her up. My DH came down to kindly ask me "um, cant you hear her?". Yes of course i can, the monitor is right in front of me. Ive been watching it and rooting her on. I know she can do it. She's being stubborn like only MY daughter knows how. After 4 days of her TEST, she gave up... back to her normal sleep patterns. If her test lasted a week, i would have gone to a 2 nap a day schedule. Next time she tests me, i know it will be time. In the last 9 mos my sleep training journey has been amazing. Amazing, but tough. I've experienced more hiccups with my daughter then with my son. Interesting because i knew NOTHING when i trained my son. I was a client. Nothing more. I know so much more now and thats most likely why i question everything. This is just a reminder that bumps in the road happen.. EVEN to me. Its how we handle them that matters. Sleep training is the initial process... after your child is trained... thats where maintenance kicks in... JUST like a diet.. once you lose the weight... you gotta keep it in mind always or you will just end up back to where you started.. keeping the weight off is hard... gaining it is easy! Its something to keep in mind when you experience your own BURST! Stay tuned for my next blogs... -Milestones being made... time to drop the crib (uh oh) -WE HAVE TEETH! -Why you cant compare children ... no 2 are alike (Especially mine) |
SabrinaFollow Sabrina, one of our sleep consultants, as she blogs about her experience with her new baby! Archives
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