Here we go. DD is 14 weeks old. 3 nights ago we put DD to bed to bed at 930pm instead of the 10pm that she has been use to since birth. She did great except for the fact that she didn't want to nurse much before bed. Being the big chunker that she is, i didn't push the issue as it was making her very angry. She went to sleep on her own as normal (its funny, or not but this lil girl NEEDS to be put down to go to sleep. She doesn't like being held to sleep at all.) and slept great. UNTIL 5am. Lil babe was doing great 4 nights sleeping straight 10p-7a and of course she wakes. I waited to go in and check on her, offered her soother and left. Sadly we needed to go in for another check. This time DH did it. Its comical because DH is a VERY sound sleeper. Doesn't hear DD shout through the night (i say shout because she doesnt cry for us. Theres never tears. She just yells to let us know shes up.) but always AFTER ive already gone in and checked on her, he gets up and goes towards her room. I laugh at him and tell him. i just left a minute ago. "ugh..." and he comes back to bed knowing he has to wait another 4 minutes. In that time. He falls asleep and guess who has to get up again. Yup.. me. Doesnt really matter cause i end up watching her in the monitor anyway. In the morning when he wakes up he says to me "oh yay, she fell asleep and we didn't have to get up" I just shake my head. lol. Anyways. we went into her room twice and she was back asleep till i woke her at 7am. Happy as a lamb. SUCCESS!!!!
Last night she was successful again. 930-7 (in fact she slept in till i woke her at 720 because we all over slept. Oups) She did wake around 6 but it was barely a fuss and she was asleep in a minute or so. Tonight we are moving again. 9pm BEDTIME. I didnt know what to do with myself after both kids were in bed. SO im blogging. DD is still swaddled and in a sleep positioner (she's a side sleeper). Was AMAZING for her up until now. And still is. I know i need to get her into her bed without both. She is starting to roll and its not safe for her to be swaddled if she rolls. Right now with the positioner its hard for her to roll but the time is near. In fact TRAINING Day starts next sunday, Oct 21st. A week early as she wont be 16 weeks, which is when we recommend training. She will be 15 weeks but I feel comfortable and confident in her. The swaddle comes off and the positioner will be ditched and thats going to be a bit of an adaptation for her. I know she will startle herself awake and we will have to change from nurturing to training BUT i really believe that since this is what she knows it will go great. I have full faith in her. Our goal bedtime is 8pm. MY GOSH... where did the time go. shes so big, so beautiful and a joy to be with. She's an amazing sleeper and i owe it all to the sleep system i have been taught. It was hard work. BUT in a few weeks we will have reached our goal 11 hrs of overnight sleep 3 great naps a day and a well rested family. Cant ask for much more then that. And honestly, It was easier then i ever thought. It had big bumps in the road, and there will still be a few ahead but no where close to the horrible gravel dirt road i was on with my DS at the same age shes at.
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