My very good friend Rosita Stone has written, sang and produced this amazing song for Mothers to their Child! Its beautiful...thought it was the perfect day to share. Help this video become viral by forwarding on to the amazing mothers in your life!
Happy Mother's Day
Hi Debbie,
Our now two year old got himself out of his crib a few times so he is now in his big boy bed, but the transition has taken us back to his baby days. He is waking up a few times throughout the night and coming to his door (which we have gated to keep him in) and he is waking up early and crying at the door rather than preoccupying himself as he would in the crib. Tonight he has been standing at his door crying and screaming for 45 mins now. My husband and I are at odds and are wondering if you might be able to offer any ideas? Looking forward to hearing from you! Lindsay HI Lindsay Its very common for toddlers to regress when they come out of their cribs because of the extra freedom they now have to get out of bed and move around more freely. A great new tool is the Gro Clock. Its a tool that helps teach your child when is sleep time and when is wake time. Parents set the clock for an acceptable and reasonable wake up time and throughout the night the clock will show a picture of the moon or stars. When your target morning time has come, the clock changes over to Mr Sun. This is a fantastic way of teaching your child when is sleep and when is wake time. I would also consider using a reward system. Each time he does get into bed on his own, stays in bed and/or sleep through the night, he would get a sticker on his sticker board along with a small reward (can be something from the dollar store). Then once he gets 10 stickers he wins a big surprise. Most importantly, is being consistent. Don't be tempted to stay in his bed or bring him to your bed. We do now have a toddler trainer Emma on board. THat may be an option if you are looking for a more guided approach. Hope this helps Debbie |
This is a great place to ask your questions. Anything from prenatal to preschool. From feeding to sleeping...ask away!