Lack of sleep can have a huge impact on both parent and child for not only the present but even for the future.
Sleep issues for children can cause: · Chronic fatigue · Irritable & aggressive behaviour · Growth and Health issues · Development issues · Attention Deficit · Bed wetting · Sleep problems now & in the future · Obesity and emotional difficulties Sleep issues for adults can cause: · Chronic Fatigue · Difficulty concentrating · Difficulty making decisions · Feelings of depression and anxiety · Temper and moodiness · Loss of coordination · Relationship problems · Loss of appetite and increase weight gain · Immune system & Nervous system issues
Babies are born wanting to suck. Some even suck their thumb or
fingers before they are born. This is a natural behaviour that allows them to feed and grow. It is also comforting and helps them settle. The use of a pacifier can help soothe a fussy baby. What are the advantages? · Sucking on a pacifier is better than a thumb or finger because it causes fewer problems with future tooth development. · A parent can control the use of a pacifier but it’s harder to control thumb sucking. When it’s time to stop using a pacifier, you can throw it away. You can’t throw away a thumb! · Also, the latest medical research finds that using a pacifier may decrease the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) or crib death. What are the disadvantages? · Not using a pacifier properly can lead to problems with breastfeeding, teeth (cavities and overbite), and possibly, middle ear infections. · Homemade pacifiers, sweetened pacifiers or pacifiers tied around a baby’s neck are not safe and could lead to injury or death. · If used too much, baby can become dependent on it The Do’s and Don’ts of pacifiers · Try not to start using a pacifier until breastfeeding is fully established. An exception is for premature or sick babies in the hospital. They may use one for comfort. · Always see if the baby is hungry, tired or bored before giving him the pacifier. · Always sterilize the pacifier by putting it in boiling water for 5 min before the first use. Make sure it’s completely cooled down before giving it to the baby. Then, keep it clean by washing it with hot, soapy water. · Always check for cracks or tears before giving a pacifier to the baby. · Never dip the pacifier in sugar or honey. This will damage the teeth. Honey can lead to botulism, which is a type of food poisoning. · Never tie a pacifier around a baby’s neck. This can cause strangulation and death. · Never make your own pacifier out of bottle nipples, caps or other materials. These can cause choking and death. Are you getting enough sleep! Encourage effective sleep habits right from the start and you won’t need to break bad ones down the road!
Step 1 Take advantage of the window of opportunity (W.O.O.) to encourage healthy sleep habits. Initially, when a baby comes into the world, he (or she) keeps his eyes closed tight in order to limit the sights and sounds that threaten to overwhelm him. However, around six to eight weeks of life, a tiny baby comes out of his shell, and begins to enjoy his world. He stares at lights, appreciates his hands, gazes into your eyes, and flashes a heart-melting smile. It’s at this precise moment that your baby's big smart brain is busy forming and filing away memories. This is huge! It means at this precise moment, the sleep habits your infant is exposed to are the ones that will stick. This is the window of opportunity to nudge your little guy towards healthy sleep habits. The true beauty of this method is that a young baby is primitive and sensitive, which means only gentle and loving nudges are needed. Wouldn't you rather peacefully instil effective sleep habits than be forced to break bad habits with strong arm techniques? Step 2Create feel-good bedtimes. When you surround a new baby with womb-like conditions, he’s able to relax, let go, and fall asleep. Here’s how (think wow): · White noise · Oral ease · Wrap White noise: After sleeping in surround sound for nine months, babies crave noise. White noise helps lull a baby to sleep as it inundates the ear with so many tones that the brain simply cant distinguish one sound from another, so it surrenders to its calming nature. They key is to ensure that the sound you are using is as loud as a vacuum or blow dryer. Don't be surprised if your baby prefers it blasting; many do. Oral-ease: Sucking makes babies feel good. In fact, studies show that sucking releases chemicals in the brain that decrease stress, heart rate, blood pressure, and pain. Whether you give your baby a pacifier, finger, or nipple, sucking is your baby's number one calming tool. If you choose a pacifier, offer it after breastfeeding is well-established. Wrap: There’s a reason why swaddling has been around for centuries. It helps a new baby feel at home and this in turn triggers contentment. Step 3 Charm your baby into sleepy contentment. Here’s where you wrap your baby in words and lull him to sleep. After you pop your baby in bed, gently stroke and reassure him until he is calm and then step back to allow him to fall asleep on his own. What if your baby fusses? Stroke his head, pat his tummy, or hold his hand. And if he just cant settle, pick him up and give him a cuddle but, please, please, please, put him back in bed awake, and try again. Let Dad try. Babies associate Mom with milk and this makes it trickier to fall asleep when mom is nearby. Author Unkown Easily track your babys feeding and sleeping on these simple but detailed charts. Perfect for keeping track of your day to day feedings, sleeps, medications and more. This is a must have for parents with twins and triplets or for anyone who has many helpers with their baby. This is a great to keep all caregivers up to date with your baby's day. For a triplet chart please email us at [email protected]For Singleton Baby or Twins We all know organization is key and once baby arrives, things can get a little hectic, especially if your having multiples! This quick chart will make things so much easier. Photocopy enough for 4-6 weeks, keep in a binder nearby and have everyone who cares for baby keep it update. On those tired days when you don't remember the last time you fed or changed, this chart will be handy! Just one of the tips you learn for our team at Precious Moments Babeez For FLearn how to effectively transition your baby to the new time change with ease and little frustration! This is great for not only the Daylight Savings Time but also for travelling!
When I first started off working as a doula, I never imagined the amazing furture I had ahead! I have been so blessed to work with so many families, the majority being with families of twins and triplets. I am so thankful that my experience with my twin daughters and having a young toddler under 2 when my preemie twins were born, is what has helped me be a better mentor and coach to other parents! Most often, I spend on average about 8-10 weeks with each family. On my first night with my new family, I am greeted with eager and excited parents to learn all there is to know about their babies and also to get some much needed rest! My first message to parents is to enjoy their littles ones as they do grow so quickly and soon those preemie little 5 lb babies will seem like giants next to newborn babies! After weeks of teaching parents how to feed their babies (especially at the same time), bathe, swaddle and encourage great sleep habits and self soothing skills, parents are confident that they can move forward on their own and that is when I know I have done my job! Its not about me coming in and taking over, its about arming parents with the tools and skills to care for their babies the best they can. Often setting the foundation for amazing parent/child relationships. It's a little bitter sweet as I have become so attached to these beautiful babies and their parents over our 8 weeks together but I know that I will be leaving them in an amazing place. Each time I have a new client call looking for support from myself or one of my team, I get very excited in knowing that now we can do it all over again! Thank you to all the parents who have taken me in, trusted me with your family and allowed me to help you enjoy the precious moments with your babies!
Debbie Fazio Summer Infant Baby Touch Screen Video MonitorRelieve your anxieties and keep close watch on your baby with this amazing video monitor. This clear rouch screen system allows you to remotely move your camera around to always have clear view of your baby in his crib and later as a toddler in his entire room. The unique voice system allows you to talk to and soothe your baby! You can purchase additional cameras for this system to add onto your hand held unit when you have another child or a perfect system for twins. My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow & Twin PillowThis pillow is the perfect pillow for comfortable nursing. The strap allows you to keep the pillow in perfect position and the wide ledge allows for your baby to be supported and still move in comfort. The twin pillow has a larger ledge which allows more room for 2 babies and helps when one baby needs to be sat up and burped while the other continues feeding. The custom pocket allows you to keep snacks, wipes, face clothes and even your remote near by while feeding. Woombie SwaddlerThis must have swaddler is a unique system that is fail-safe for tired parents or for parents who struggle with traditional blankets and velcro swaddlers. Safely zip your baby in this cozy swaddle system in under 10 seconds with little chance for baby to become loose. This is a must have for better sleep for babies as it helps limit wakes and reduce the startle reflex. Sound therapy/white noise machineThis sound therpay machine/white noise is another must have for better sleep! The calming white noise or water fall sound reduces chance of baby waking from sudden sounds like doors slamming and phones ringing. This sound machine is instrumental in teaching your baby to sleep in noise and reduces the need for parents to tippy toe around the house. Watch how quickly your baby soothes when you put this amazing machine in his nursery. Gro Egg Thermometer/Night lightThe Gro Egg is an amazing 2 in 1 product that not only provides the perfect lighting in your baby's nursery but also changes color when the temperture gets too warm for baby. Dr. Brown's Wide Mouth BottlesMy number one choice for bottles for bottle fed babies. This feeding system has been tried and tested by many of our clients. The unique sistem includes a straw like apparatus that prevents air from entering into the milk and then being resallowed by your baby...less air equals less gas equals which less fussiness and happy baby and mother! Ubimed Lifenest Sleep SystemThis amazing and new sleep system boasts a breatheable mesh that safely cradles baby in the perfect incline to help with digestion and gas. Everywhere Gro BlindCreate an optimal sleep environment that baby cannot resist by keeping as much light out of baby's room as possible with the Gro Blind. This allows for later morning wakes and longer naps. The Gro Blind is a custom suction blind that fits every window and can br easly removed for travelling. Fisher Price - Newborn to Toddler RockerTheres no need for infant chairs/bouncers with all the bells and whistles. This simple rocker was what we used with our own twins 12 years ago and I still recommend it today. It is the perfect incline for newborn babies yet can grow with your baby to convert into a toddler rocker for him to sit and read or rock himself. Cocyntal By BoironThis product speaks for itself. Boiron has created amazing Homeopathic products for Colic/Gas, Teething and Colds. The best thing about these products is they work. They have no scent, flavor or colorings and are in premeasured vials. All I can say it...TRY IT! You will be so glad you did!
A great question?
Many of our clients ask “how do I teach my baby to self soothe?” not many ask “why do I need to teach my baby to self soothe?” and sometimes as obvious as the answer may seem, some parents really don’t know the answer. Let’s first define what is self soothing. Self soothing is the ability for a baby to fall asleep with little to no help from parents. For babies over 4-6 months, this would include falling back to sleep over night when they wake from their sleep cycles. Self soothing is not something that can be taught but parents can provide baby with the opportunity to teach himself. Given the right circumstances (such as age and size of baby) and the right sleep environment, babies can learn how to soothe themselves to sleep quite easily. Self soothing is such an important skill for babies to have for both baby and parent. Bedtime and naptime routines are more enjoyable and relaxing. Baby learns how to transition from one sleep cycle to the next cycle with little disruption to their sleep. Baby will have positive experiences and associations to being in their room and in their bed. Babies actually have more solid stretches of sleep which foster so many important things like growth, behaviour and mood. Not to mention parents will have better sleeps which will allow them to be more rested and patient for quality wake times with their baby. As your baby gets older, having a toddler and young child with fantastic sleep skills will be reflected in his own mental and physical development. As well, this allows parents to nurture independence which will prove extremely beneficial when parents have a new baby to care for as well. I cannot stress enough how important it is to help foster self soothing in our children. A skill that will not only help them as babies, but will bring them right into adulthood! Written By Debbie Fazio - Certified Sleepfrom Precious Moments Babeez |
This is a great place to ask your questions. Anything from prenatal to preschool. From feeding to sleeping...ask away!