![]() When it comes to cloth diapers, I never thought I would say I’m a believer! I’ve always had preconceived notions of cloth diapers and the difficulty and amount of work behind using them. Although, as a mother, I always want to do what is best for my kids, I couldn’t imagine having to use cloth diapers and worry about the care and time I would need to invest in them while caring for 3 children under 2 years old. WELL THAT WAS 12 YEARS AGO, AND I'M SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT CLOTH DIAPERING HAS CHANGED! Last week I was invited to visit the Comfy Cotton Diaper Service company and while I thought I knew all there was to know about cloth diapers, I was amazed to learn the benefits of not only using cloth diapers but also the advantages of using a diaper service like Comfy Cotton. The benefits of using cotton diapers for your baby, your family and the environment are endless. Just like we feel comfortable in cotton under garments, babies feel more comfortable in cotton diapers. Using cloth diapers have shown to reduce bum rashes because baby is not being exposed to any harsh chemicals and babies have even been potty trained almost 6 months sooner because they understand the feeling of being wet and uncomfortable and are able to understand the sensations they are feeling. The money that is saved long term by using cloth diapers as well as having your child out of diapers sooner, can be upwards of almost $2000. That’s a pretty good start to an education fund! And don’t forget that you are helping the environment by reducing almost 1 ton of garbage that ends up in the landfills. The use of cotton diapers has also changed drastically over the years. Diaper covers now come in every style, pattern and color you can imagine. The old safety pin diapers are no more. Now diaper covers come with handy Velcro tabs just like a disposable diaper or snap on buttons. And many of the diaper cover companies are now designing these diaper covers to grow with your baby by adding different stage Velcro or buttons so as your child grows the diaper can be adjusted in size. The inserts that are in the diapers can be doubled up for the extra wet babies or even adjusted for if you have a boy or girl, since they need protection in different areas of the diaper. The maintenance and ease of cloth diapers was my biggest concern and this is where Comfy Cotton Diaper Service comes in. Comfy Cotton has been around for 25 years. Their umbrella company has been a major launderer for many Ontario Health facilities, hospitals, universities and institutions for over 27 years, so if anyone knows about laundering, it’s Comfy Cotton. Taking a tour through their facility, I was amazed at how knowledgeable and efficient they are and how they believe in offering the best and safest service for their customers but also reducing their own carbon imprint on the environment. Their facility houses huge washing machines that are perfectly balance for soap and water by their own on site technician. The water temperature that these machines reach, are so high, that the diapers are literally disinfected with every wash. Their extra rinse cycle ensures that the minimal soap is left on the diapers before placing them into their huge dryers which are also at high temperatures. These machines are much more efficient than any home laundry unit and because of this, the amount of chemical, water and electricity that is used by Comfy Cotton is less per diaper then what a family would be using at their own home. Comfy Cotton prides themselves on cleanliness so much that all of their racks, trolleys and tables are disinfected several times a day and any diapers that are not completely stain free, are no longer used. Their dedicated staff work over 15 hours a day to make sure that clients have their diapers cleaned perfectly and delivered on time. The Comfy Cotton drivers deliver diapers every day to families across Southwestern Ontario to make sure that no family goes without their diapers. The best part is that all you have to do, is put the clean folded diapers on your shelf and dump the soiled diapers (with their poop inside) into a sealed odor free bucket they provide you with. Comfy Cotton Diaper Services clearly knows what they are doing, they have made using cloth diapers so much easier for families and the best part was when I learned that the cost of using cloth diapers and a diaper cleaning services is still less expensive long term then disposable and your helping your baby, your family and the environment at the same time. So if you’re a new or expecting parent wondering if cloth diapers and Comfy Cotton are for you, I strongly advise you to give them call and learn as much as you can. I was so impressed with their knowledgeable staff, their passion to help families and the environment and how easy cloth diapering actually is. Although cloth diapers are not for everyone, educating yourself on the options is important, as it may not be what you think. Taking this tour definitely exceeded my expectations and has made me a believer! For more info on Comfy Cotton Diaper Services visit www.comfycotton.ca Thank you Comfy Cotton for an amazing tour! Debbie Fazio www.preciousmomentsbabeez.com [email protected]
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