How dark should my baby's room be. He is 5 months old? Thanks Meghan Answer: Dear Meghan Your baby's eyes take a bit longer then our eyes do, to adjust to the dark. Therefore you do not want it to be pitch black. You DO want to use a blackout curtain and a small 4 watt or 7 watt night light. The reason for using the blackout curtain is to help keep the dim light in the room constant and consistent. If you have a black room with a blackout curtain it takes a while for your babys eyes to adjust so sometimes they can be afraid and have a harder time settling to sleep. If you have a curtain that allows light to peel in from the sides, then the variation in light and dark is what will wake your baby. Its important that there is a very dim light in the room that stays the same throughout naps and overnight. The best way to do this is with a night light and blackout curtain. A great place to pickup a black out curtain is They have a one-size-fits-all blackout curtain. Check it out.
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